
Posted by aman | 18:44

As an emerging tourism destination Bangladesh offerstravelers manyinterestingdiversions includingarchaeological, historic mosquesandmonuments, whitesandy beaches, and lush forest

venues filled with wildlifeand waterfalls Major points-of-interest
include Cox's Bazar, home to the longest beach on the planet;
the world's largest mangrove forest; Ramu village, Sonadia Island,
famous for its wide variety of seashells; the gorgeous beaches on St.
Martins Island, the Aggameda Khyang sanctuary and monastery 
and its bronze Buddha images; Royal Bengal Tigers tours, and 
of course, the capital city of Dhaka, filled with the symbols of
its rich Muslim history.Note that nothing in Bangladesh happens 
quickly, so patience is important when traveling here. In addition
, the security situation in Bangladesh is volatile, and Americans
are urged to check with the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka for the latest 
information. A terrorist bombing campaign and threats to U.S. and 
Western interests have led to increased security measures around U.S. Government facilities in and around Dhaka.